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Whole Beauty Is…Acting on Your Passion

May 18 2021 ・ 3 min read

A close-up of a round-shaped paint board.

Ask yourself the following: What do I love doing?

Maybe it’s something you wish you had more time for, like knitting or practicing yoga, cooking or running. Maybe it’s something that requires some extra planning, like writing or working with kids. Whatever your answer, recognizing a passion and summoning the confidence and drive to live it contributes to your whole beauty. Working to achieve happiness in this way reminds you of your worthiness and the loveliness of your unique talents and view of the world—and helps others see you in the same, beautiful light.

Finding ways to incorporate what you enjoy into each day is your way of saying, I believe in myself. I can do this. I deserve this. I love this…and myself. Whether doing so is simple or challenging, nurturing and showcasing your love of life in this way plays as important a part in your beauty regimen as applying your favorite products—we’d argue an even more impactful one. Take small steps to get started:

1. Write Down What You’re Passionate About

Grab a pen and get your thoughts down on paper. Put that list (even if there’s just one thing on it) where you’ll see it often—on the fridge, at your desk, on your bedside table— to remind yourself that those passions are real and deserving of your time. Not sure what brings you the most joy? Think about what makes you happiest, what inspires your creativity, what fulfills your soul.

2. Share With Others

Once you’ve written down what brings you joy, tell your partner, friends and family. If the people you love most know that you’re trying to fill your life with more things that you’re passionate about, they’ll be able to provide the support (and sometimes the gentle nudge) you need.

3. Take Action

Now that you’ve got your loved ones behind you, it’s time to start making that passion a reality. Sign up for a class or workshop that can teach you more about your interest and motivate you to keep it a priority. Group settings can also introduce you to new people who share the same passion, which can be inspiring. You may also want to look at books about your specific interest or the bigger topic of achieving happiness, as well as consider working with a creativity coach or life coach. Or do something small that helps propel you forward: Browse the knitting section of the craft store, make an outline of your novel’s storyline, buy a new yoga mat. It may just be the kickstart you need to live your most fulfilling, beautiful life.