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Snack Ideas for Your Next Golf Outing

Apr 8 2024 ・ By Amber Letourneau ・ 3 min read

A plate with Canyon Ranch exclusive Cranberry Pistachio Energy Bites

Here's some of our favorite healthy snack ideas to help fuel your golf game.

Snacks out on the golf course are a great way to re-fuel and provide the energy to keep going. It’s best to have a snack containing about 25-30 grams of carbohydrates every 45-60 minutes. Pair these carbohydrate snacks with protein and/or fats for longer, more sustainable energy. And always remember to hydrate.

Here, some of our favorite healthy snack ideas to help you fuel your golf game: • One medium-sized, fresh fruit – like an apple – with 2 tablespoons almonds (12 nuts), walnuts (7 halves), or peanuts (20 nuts) or 1 tablespoon natural nut butter • 1 tablespoon natural nut butter (almond, cashew, or peanut) with 1 ounce whole grain crackers • 1/3 cup trail mix with a combination of nuts, dried fruit, and/or whole grains • 1 mozzarella string cheese stick or 1 ounce low-fat cheese (about 1-inch square) with one medium fresh fruit or 1 ounce whole-grain crackers • 1/4 cup nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews • One or two mini fig bars and a cheese stick • Low-fat cheese stick with turkey jerky • One applesauce squeeze pouch • Half an energy bar, that contains at least 5 grams protein per serving Almond Butter Delight and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread • 1/2 cup dry-roasted edamame or dry-roasted chickpeas • 6 fluid ounces of sports drink that contains carbohydrates

Want to make your own? Try our Cranberry Pistachio Bites, Blueberry Oat Bars, Chocolate Chip Walnut Trail Mix, or Pumpkin Crunch for a healthy and delicious golf course snack.

About the Expert

Headshot of Amber Letourneau, RD, BSN.

About the Expert

Amber Letourneau

RD, Health & Performance Dietician

Amber provides nutrition education via one-on-one consultations, presentations, or workshops, and informal talks with guests.

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