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Fast Workouts for Full Days

Aug 24 2021 ・ 17 min read

close-up of woman outside high-fiving another woman

When you’re time-crunched, squeezing in your usual workout can feel so impossible that you may decide to skip it altogether...

...but just 20 minutes of exercise can still deliver impressive benefits. While longer exercise sessions are important for overall health and fitness, quick workouts can help you tone up, reduce stress, and manage your weight.

In fact, a study from the University of Copenhagen found that men who exercised for 30 minutes a day lost more weight over three months than those who worked out twice that long. (The researchers suspect that those who worked out for a half hour had more energy to be active the rest of the day and therefore burned more calories overall during the study.) Still, longer workouts have an important place in your schedule, when time allows you to do them: Experts have found that spending at least 30 minutes – and ideally 60 minutes – breaking a sweat most days is the best way to improve your bone density, strengthen your heart, boost your mood, and reduce anxiety. When you do need to log a quickie session, try one of the 20-minute combination strength and cardio workouts from the three options below.

Intensity: For these workouts, your exertion level is based on a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being no exertion at all, and 10 being so difficult that you find it extremely difficult to say more than one or two words at a time and can’t maintain the effort for long.

20-Minute Gym Workout

Grab a resistance band and then do this workout on your favorite cardio machine.

Minutes 0-3 Activity: Begin to step, stride or pedal at a comfortable pace. Intesity: Work up to level 5 or 6

Minutes 3-4 Activity: Increase the incline (treadmill) or resistance (other machines). Intesity: Level 7 to 8

Minutes 4-5 Activity: Lower the incline/resistance. Intesity: Level 5 to 6

Minutes 5-7 Activity: Increase the incline/resistance. Intesity: Level 7 to 8

Minutes 7-9 Activity: Lower the incline/resistance. Intesity: Level 5 to 6

Minutes 9-12 Activity: Increase the incline/resistance. Intesity: Level 7 to 8

Minutes 12-15 Activity: Lower the incline/resistance. Intesity: Level 5 to 6

Get off and head to the stretching area. Tie a medium to heavy resistance band around a pole or bar at waist height.

Minutes 15-16 Activity: Lunge and press How-To: Stand with your back to the band, holding one end in each hand, elbows bent and hands near your chest. Take a step forward with your right foot, and bend both knees to lower into a lunge, simultaneously pressing straight forward with both arms. Reverse to start position and repeat, alternating legs. That’s one rep; continue for 15 to 20 reps.

Minutes 16-17 Activity: Squat and row How-To: Turn around to face the band, one end still in each hand. With feet hip-width apart, bend your knees to sit back into a squat, with your arms extended in front of you. In the squat position, bend both of your elbows, pulling them straight back so that you can feel your shoulder blades draw together. Release your arms, then stand and repeat for 15 to 20 reps.

Minutes 17-18 Activity: Lunge and press How-To: Do a second set (follow above instructions).

Minutes 18-19 Activity: Squat and row How-To: Do a second set (follow above instructions).

Minutes 19-20 Activity: Plank How-To: Get into a push-up position on your hands and toes, with your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for one minute.

20-Minute Home or Hotel Workout

You’ll need a jump rope for this routine. If you don’t have one or space doesn’t allow, just pretend, hopping and turning your wrists without the rope.

Minutes 0-3 Activity: March in place How-To: Swing your arms at your sides and gradually bring your knees higher as your muscles warm up. Work up to a level 5 to 6.

Minutes 3-4 Activity: Elevated push-ups How-To: Place your hands shoulder-width apart on a sturdy chair, couch or bed and walk your feet back until your body is in a straight line. If you use a bed, hold onto its edge rather than putting your hands flat on top of the mattress. Bend your elbows to lower your chest toward the chair, then press back up. Do 10 to 15 reps.

Minutes 4-5 Activity: Jumping jacks How-To: The classic. Hop your feet to your sides until they’re more than hip-width-wide, then hop them back together, simultaneously swinging your arms overhead, then to your sides so that your hands come together as your feet move apart. Continue for one minute, going fast enough that you’re working at a level 7 to 8.

Minutes 5-6 Activity: Dips How-To: Sit on the edge of the chair or bed you used for the push-ups, palms resting on either side of your hips. Shift your hips forward off the seat, and support your body weight with your hands as you bend your elbows straight back to lower your hips toward the floor. Press into your palms to lift back up and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Minutes 6-7 Activity: Skater side shuffles How-To: Standing with your knees soft and elbows bent at your sides, jump to the right, landing on your right foot and letting your left foot reach across behind you. Reverse the motion, jumping left and letting your right leg cross behind you. Continue to hop from side to side for one minute, going as far as you comfortably can with each leap. You should be working at a level 5 to 6.

Minutes 7-8 Activity: Burpees How-To: Standing with feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Shifting your weight into your hands, hop your feet straight back. Do a push-up if you can, or just jump your feet back in, stand, and hop, reaching your arms overhead. Repeat for one minute, pushing yourself to a level 7 to 8.

Minutes 8-9 Activity: Superhero lifts How-To: Lie on your stomach, arms extended forward. Arch your back to lift your arms and legs off the floor, hold for a moment, then lower with control. Do 20 reps.

Minutes 9-10 Activity: Jump rope How-To: With your feet together, hop just an inch off the floor, keeping your elbows close to your sides and turning just your wrists for one minute, at a level 5 to 6.

Minutes 10-11 Activity: Plank How-To: Get into a push-up position on your hands and toes, with your body in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for one minute.

Minutes 11-19 Activity: Repeat the instructions for minutes 3-11.

Minutes 19-20 Activity: March in place **How-To:**For a cool-down, swing your arms at your sides and march in place with your knees high, gradually slowing down and lowering your knees to a level 3 to 4.

20-Minute Outdoor Workout

Head to a park or another safe outdoor exercise space that has benches and do the routine below.

Minutes 0-5 Activity: Walk or jog How-To: For a warm-up, work up to level 5 or 6.

Minutes 5-6 Activity: Walking lunges How-To: Take a big step forward with your right foot and bend both your knees to lower yourself until your front thigh and back shin are about parallel with the ground. Step forward with your left foot and continue moving forward in this manner.

Minutes 6-7 Activity: Power walk or run How-To: Push yourself to level 7 to 8.

Minutes 7-8 Activity: Walk or jog How-To: Ease up to level 5 to 6.

Minutes 8-9 Activity: Bench push-ups How-To: Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the seat of a park bench and walk your feet back until your body is in a straight line. Bend your elbows to lower your face toward the bench, and then press back up. Do 10 to 15 reps.

Minutes 9-10 Activity: Power walk or run How-To: Push yourself to level 7 to 8.

Minutes 10-11 Activity: Walk or jog **How-To:**Ease up to level 5 to 6.

Minutes 11-12 Activity: Squats with optional jump How-To: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees, sitting back as though into a chair until your thighs are about parallel with the ground. Stand, and if you feel comfortable doing so, add a jump, reaching your hands overhead. Do 15 to 20 reps.

Minutes 12-13 Activity: Power walk or run How-To: Push yourself to level 7 to 8.

Minutes 13-14 Activity: Walk or jog How-To: Ease up to level 5 to 6.

Minutes 14-15 Activity: Bench dips How-To: Sit on the edge of a bench, palms resting on either side of your hips. Shift your hips forward off the seat, and support your weight with your hands as you bend your elbows straight back to lower your hips toward the ground. Press into your palms to lift yourself back up and repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Minutes 15-16 Activity: Power walk or run How-To: Push yourself to level 7 to 8.

Minutes 16-17 Activity: Walk or jog How-To: Ease up to level 5 to 6.

Minutes 17-18 Activity: Bench step-ups How-To: Stand facing a bench. Step onto the seat with your right foot, and step up with your left foot so both feet are on the bench. Step down with your left, then your right and continue stepping up and down from the seat, alternating your lead foot.

Minutes 18-19 Activity: Power walk or run How-To: Push yourself to level 7 to 8.

Minutes 19-20 Activity: Walk or jog How-To: Ease yourself to level 3 to 4 for a final cool-down.

You can also head to a park or fitness track that has exercise stations set up. Move from station to station and follow the instructions provided.