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8 Pantry Food Swaps to Make Today

Jan 13 2021 ・ 6 min read

close-up of dry pantry goods including beans in mason jars

Your diet can only be as healthful as the foods you have on hand.

Keeping a pantry stocked with wholesome, shelf-stable ingredients can make creating healthy meals quickly like second nature. Here are some simple swaps you can make when filling your cupboards that will deliver healthful benefits.

Instead of: Breadcrumbs Try: Whole-Wheat Panko Breadcrumbs are usually prepared with bread made from white flour and are loaded with heart-unhealthy sodium. Instead, look for whole-wheat panko. This variety of Japanese-style breadcrumbs has more fiber to help you feel full and usually less salt added. What’s more, they’re ground more coarsely than traditional breadcrumbs, which means you can create crisp coatings for chicken cutlets and fish filets in the oven, instead of frying them in oil.

Instead of: Vegetable Oil Try: Organic Canola Oil If you’re looking for an oil to cook with, canola is one of the best choices. It’s a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids. Bottles that simply say “vegetable oil” usually contain corn oil, peanut oil and soybean oil (either alone or in combination), which are far richer in less-beneficial omega-6 fatty acids. Canola oil is also heat stable, so its nutrients can withstand the extreme temperatures used in cooking, and it has a neutral flavor, so it works well in almost any recipe. Choosing organic means you know the rapeseed plants used to make it weren’t genetically modified. Opt for expeller- or cold-pressed versions to get the most nutrients.

Instead of: Canned Broth Try: Organic, Low-Sodium Boxed Broth Many broths have a lot of sodium added to increase their shelf life. If you want to liven up low-sodium broth use flavors such as herbs, spices or wine. By choosing broth in a box, you eliminate your risk of exposure to bisphenol A, also known as BPA, an endocrine system-disrupting chemical that’s used to coat food and beverage cans. Plus, the process used to box foods keeps them fresher longer and also often better tasting than the process of canning.

Instead of: Canned Tomatoes Try: Organic Canned Tomatoes Processed tomatoes, like those in cans and foods like ketchup, are super sources of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene; your body can actually use the nutrient more readily when tomatoes are prepared this way rather than fresh. However, because tomatoes have thin skins, they can contain a relatively high level of pesticides. Trade in your regular picks for organic ones.

Instead of: Canned Tuna Try: Pouched Salmon Tuna can contain high levels of mercury and may not always be caught sustainably. Health-wise, it’s a fine choice in moderation—just be sure to buy chunk light packed in water to reduce your mercury exposure. An even better option is salmon packaged in a pouch. It’s generally sourced from wild Pacific salmon, which is a more environmentally friendly choice (canned salmon is, too, but if you pick the pouch you know it’s BPA-free).

Instead of: Brown Rise Try: Quinoa Don’t throw out your brown rice — it’s a nutritious, fiber-rich grain. But if you want to amp up your nutrition, swap it for quinoa every now and then. Quinoa is also loaded with filling fiber, plus — unlike brown rice — it’s a complete protein (meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein that your body needs to get from food).

Instead of: Salad Dressing Try: Favored Vinegar and Extra Virgin Olive Oil There are some healthier salad dressings on the market, but all too often they are packed with sugar, sodium and mysterious-sounding binders and preservatives. Instead, keep expeller- or cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and flavored vinegars like cherry balsamic or orange champagne at the ready to whisk together into a fresh topping (try a one-to-one ratio of oil and vinegar to start, and adjust to taste).

Instead of: Protein Bars Try: Dried Fruit and Nut Bars Many of the protein bars on the market contain unrecognizable ingredients that sound more like they were made in a chemistry lab than a kitchen. Instead of reaching for them, look for all-natural bars that are made from dried fruits and nuts. They’ll provide your body with valuable vitamins and minerals and the power combo of protein, carbs and fiber, which fills you up and gives your body a burst of energy. For a smart snack, look for one with 200 calories or fewer.