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Mind & Spirit TEAM / Woodside, CA

Jeanne-Marie Mudd

MDiv, MC, PCC, Senior Spiritual Wellness Provider

Headshot of Jeanne-Marie Mudd
Mind & Spirit TEAM / Woodside, CA

Jeanne-Marie Mudd

MDiv, MC, PCC, Senior Spiritual Wellness Provider

Jeanne-Marie is committed to creating a safe space for resort guests to explore their inner lives. She offers spiritual care, presentations and teaching, as well individual, couple, family, and group sessions on practices that sustain a generative life.

Before finding her way to our Mind & Spirit team at Canyon Ranch, Jeanne-Marie served as a congregational pastor in the mid-west and southeast. She and her husband Dan led retreats for churches, schools, and the general public for twenty years. Jeanne-Marie brings a unique blend of sensitivity, joy, and compassion to her endeavors. She has expertise in executive leadership, organization design consulting, entrepreneurial ministry, interfaith and mental health care, as well as executive and life coaching.

Jeanne-Marie specializes in creating a space for the development of each person's unique story. Offering support for personal and spiritual transformation and care for those in life transition — cultivating purpose, fostering conscious creativity, as well as facilitating healing from loss and grief. She offers compassionate, sacred listening and support to cultivate spiritual intelligence and mental fitness through creative avenues and mindfulness such as walking meditation and contemplative prayer.

When not at the Ranch, Jeanne-Marie enjoys spending her free time hiking, walking, and camping. An active volunteer, she likes to serve through nonprofit board positions and joining organizational events, such as a recent crew who removed invasive grasses from the beautiful Santa Catalina Mountains. Jeanne-Marie and her husband, Dan are the parents of three beautiful people and are stewards of two saintly cats and one joyful dog. They offer spiritual writing retreats across the US and Ireland.

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